Friday, April 15, 2011

Dhotel nuancé d'abricot

            I remember well my creation of one of my more famous works called Dhotel nuancé d'abrico. I was a difficult project and exertion to even prepare the surface on which I carved. As you can see from the photograph I have provided above, the drawing surface has been completely blackened. I had to do that myself so I would be able to perfect the exact thickness and texture of my desired surface. The first thing I did was taking a clean canvas and spread a thick layer of black paint. On top of that I put ash, coal dust, sand, and other powders to get the tone of black that I wanted. On this mixture, I placed a strange “apricot” mixture of many colors and then covered it all with more black paint.                        
            At this point, I started actually painting the figure. I used a cream colored paint to paint the background of the head and the body. Then I used a blunt edge to carve in all of the details of the face and the rest of the body using various levels of deepness to show thickness. Afterwards, I went over the colored part with a layer of “apricot” paint to give the man some distinct character and painted in some minute details. As one could imagine, this work took up a lot of my time and I was a little apprehensive of making a mistake. Once I was done, I felt very proud and confident about it.


  1. Oh, how our culture has decayed over the years. I must ask, what happened to our once glorious art, perfect, mirror images, as if it were a photograph so recently taken. They looked like you could reach into the painting and be completely immersed in it. However... this... I cant' even comprehend it. How is this art? It looks like something I drew when I was 4 years old! I know this is intentional, but I really... do not consider this art in any way whatsoever. Oh, woe, how a society falls. If this is what our culture has become, I fear for the future, where art is nonexistent, as people attempt to "modernize" style... This is not art.

  2. nothing can remain the same.
    Of course there are still people practicing this old masters style; but due to industrial advancements, people's overall happiness became decreased, and their lives dehumanized. resulting in paintings such as this.
